Monday 13 August 2018

Get Organized on a Budget!

Lets be real, organization is tough, spending money or organization can be even tougher!
...but it doesn't have to be!

I want to share some simple things with you to elevate your life and help you stay organized on a budget.

I will be posting simple things that help you in your everyday life.

Today I want to share some simple things I do everyday to help me stay organized.

1. Run your dishwasher at night and empty it every morning! This will help you keep your dishes under control! There is nothing worse than constantly thinking about dishes, dishes, dishes. Doing this one simple thing can help so much to keep you organized.

2. Empty your car, purse, diaper bag (pretty much where ever you collect extra things) before bed.

3. Make your bed, I know you've heard it before! But here is a link listing just a few reasons you should make your bed --->

4. Make sure everything in your house has a spot. If something is constantly laying around ask your self why? Do I need this? Where does it go? What isn't working to make this item never be put away?

5. 20 minutes a day. We are busy. It feels like now a days we are busier than ever! But taking 20 minutes a day to tidy up can drastically change your day and keep a lid on that mess!

These are my top 5 tips to staying organized! Please stay tuned for more in-depth explains!

Look forward to sharing these tips with you. 😍😍

Saturday 18 March 2017


My name is Katarina and I recently have found a new obsession. 😌When I say obsession I don't mean I watch these or partake in this activity every now and then, I legit spend about 2 hours a day on this obsession.

As you can probably already tell from the blog title, my obsession is my planner, more importantly plan with me videos. If your not sure what these are just take your self over to youtube (make sure you come back and finish reading this blog after) and type in "Plan with Me" and you will have hours and hours and hours and hours of organized entertainment. πŸ‘€

Now I always have been super organized and super crafty and when I found planner videos it was life those two worlds collided! I was over the moon excited and hooked right away! There are so many different options when it comes to planning and so many different ways to express yourself.

I also live a very busy life! Working almost 7 days a week and going to school can get pretty crazy and its easy to loose track of where I should be and what I should be doing. I have been using a planner since about high school. Usually I just pick one up randomly and use it and it is directed. For example: Write what happens for every hour of your day. Done. Boring! Am I right!? Then in about August of last year I purchased a happy planner from Michael's. I loved it!! Check out these bad ass little planners here ---> When I started planning my weeks were pretty boring to look at. I liked it, but it wasn't exciting enough for me. Lets be honest though not much is. 😏

SOOOO this takes me to current day, for the last 3 weeks I have been watching plan with me videos like they are going out of style (which I hope they don't for a very long time) and I've been getting so many ideals! Mom, don't read this next part! Haha! Ive also spent a lot of money, planning can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you would like.

Planning has helped me:

  1. Plan my life 
  2. Plan my work schedule 
  3. Plan homework 
  4. Meal prep 
  5. Plan a cleaning schedule 
  6. Plan my errands
These are just a few ways in which planning has totally changed my life! This blog will keep you updated with tips, tricks and even photos of my weekly spreads! 

Stay tuned for exciting planner news!